Leadership Training - Bushwalking Victoria

Leadership Training - Bushwalking Victoria

From April 07, 2018 8:45 am until April 08, 2018 11:50 am

At Westerfolds Park

Posted by Dianne Ross



Categories: Meetings

Hits: 7642

Registration and enquiries judy@bushwalkingvictoria.org.au

Saturday and Sunday 7-8 April 2018

Times - 8.45am - 4pm 

Location - outdoor recreation house - conferenc room, Westerfolds park, Fitzsimmons lane, Templestowe.

What to bring - BYO lunch, compass, pen, grey lead pencils, ruler

Whats provided - morning and afternoon tea, maps and BMLC book.

Registration closes - 1 March 2018 

Event is free, carpooling from Wodonga to be organised or meet at event.