Canoe Leaders Safety Training - 1.5 hours 5:30pm Mungabareena South

Canoe Leaders Safety Training - 1.5 hours 5:30pm Mungabareena South

From October 30, 2018 5:30 pm until October 30, 2018 7:00 pm

At Mungabareena South

Posted by Tony Marsh


Categories: Canoeing, Training

Hits: 7455

MVB Canoe Leader Event Management Training

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The club committee has been reviewing the procedures that we follow for the safe management of canoeing events

Join in for a leaders training night that will be designed to bring everyone up to speed in MVB canoe event management and rescue procedures

This will be hands on and delivered by Dave Breedon of Murray River Canoe Hire

 What To Bring:


It would be great to have all canoe leaders attend if possible so that we are all on the same page for this coming canoe season!