Clear Creek Falls and Lookout, 8km Grade 3 daywalk

Clear Creek Falls and Lookout, 8km Grade 3 daywalk

From July 28, 2024 9:00 am until July 28, 2024 4:00 pm

At Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park

Posted by Mick Webster


Categories: DayWalks

Hits: 4284

A repeat of my fourth  club walk in to this little-known but spectacular part of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park....Clear Creek runs from the plateau between Chiltern and Eldorado, over a series of nice waterfalls and out onto the plains at Byawatha. Map is schematic only, we will organise a car-pool to get from finish back to start.

Meet at 9am at the Old Cemetery Rd crossing on the Hume Hwy, 3km beyond the Chiltern-Beechworth overpass - turn left (S) into Old Cemetery Rd. Normal daywalk stuff required as per list below, good boots as rocks may be slippery! Warning, Wheel Cactus may be encountered! Limit of 10 walkers.


Suitable for most ages and fitness levels. Some bushwalking experience recommended. Track may have short steep hill sections, a rough surface and many steps.

Day Walking
