From January 09, 2024 12:00 pm until January 12, 2024 2:59 pm
At Geehi Flats Campground, KNP NSW
Posted by Jill Hancock
0400 663 454
Categories: CarCamping, DayWalks
Hits: 2821
People can drive themselves or car pool to Geehi Flat campground in Kosciuszko NP past Khancoban. Campsites will need to be booked with up to 6 people on one campsite. Drinking water needs to be taken.
We will do day walks to visit the local stone huts -
7km walk along tracks to Geehi hut, Doctors hut, Keebles Hut and Old Geehi Hut.
2km walk to Doctor Forbes Hut.
Both walks involve river crossings so bring suitable shoes.
A 4WD trip to Major Clews hut is possible depending on interest and vehicles.
Please click the Join button to register your interest in this event. Note this is a grade 3 day walks event -
Suitable for most ages and fitness levels. Some bushwalking experience recommended. Track may have short steep hill sections, a rough surface and many steps.