Namadgi NP car camp Grade 3 Day Walks

Namadgi NP car camp Grade 3 Day Walks

From February 29, 2024 8:00 am until March 04, 2024 10:59 am

At Honeysuckle campground Namadgi National Park

Posted by Iris Joss


Categories: CarCamping, DayWalks

Hits: 2469

 People can drive themselves or car pool to Honeysuckle campground in Namadgi NP south of Canberra. Campsites will need to be booked with up to 4 people on one campsite. Drinking water needs to be taken.

We will do a series of day walks -


5 hour drive to the camp. Set up tents. Eat and drink. 

Woodland walk 1 km loop from camp.

Lots of info. to read about the about the Apollo tracking station.

Day 2:

Granite Tors Walk 8 km return, 3 hours hard, 400 m. climb.

Short easy loop for the ones who do not like the hard Granite Tors walk .

Day 3:

Settlers track loop 9km, can be shortened to 6km.

Day 4:

4 km easy return  walk to Mount Bobyan on the Yerrabi track

plus 3 km easy loop to Shanahans mountain.


Day 5:

Pack up and have a safe drive home. See next time



Please click the Join button to register your interest in this event. Note this is a grade 3 day walks event -

Day Walking


Suitable for most ages and fitness levels. Some bushwalking experience recommended. Track may have short steep hill sections, a rough surface and many steps.

