February 16, 2024 9:00 am
February 18, 2024 4:00 pm
Meeting Friday morning 8am outside Corryong Visitor Information Centre or 9am at Round Mt Trailhead.
Day 1 Hike from Round Mt trailhead on the Khancoban-Cabramurra Rd to Derschko's Hut 13.9km on the Round Mountain Trail.
Day 2 Hike 10.1km to the Creek campsite. Option to summit Mt Jagungal on the way which adds an extra 5km. Can either leave large backpacks beside the track (cover with a pack cover or garbage bag) and use a daypack to summit, or take your big pack with you if you can scramble over rocks with it and want punishment!
Day 3 Hike 12.4km on Farm Ridge Trail back to the trailhead. Quite an arduous climb, especially if hot. Water shoes needed to cross the Tumut River
Depending on weather conditions and how the group is travelling, there is also the option to camp at O'Keefe's Hut on the first night and the Tumut River on the 2nd night.
WHAT TO BRING - Water shoes for river crossings
If the weather is warm, it is very exposed with hardly any shade, so you will need
- Broad brimmed hat, sunscreen, electrolytes
- March fly repellant/fly net for hat
Night time temperatures will most likely still be very chilly.
Bushwalking experience recommended. Tracks may be long, rough and very steep. Directional signage may be limited.
Overnight Event Packing list
Current Medical Information Form LOGIN FIRST and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
- Bedding
- Tent (sharing sections of the tent is an option)
- Sleeping Bag
- Bag Liner
- Mattress
- Pillow
- Bed Clothing
- Thermals - top and bottom
- Second layer - top and bottom
- Warm Gloves beanie and dry socks
- Keep clothing in a water tight bag - zip lock - dry bags etc..
- Wet Weather / Cold
- Rain jacket
- Down jacket
- Fleece jacket
- Warm Gloves and Water Proof Over Glove plus a Benie or suitable walk hat.
- Essentials
- Tooth Brush and paste
- Any medication ( please inform leader if necessary Allergies etc)
- Personal first aid
- Water to drink and prepare meal ( some locations and walks have water on site or en route )
- Leader should inform the group re water supply
- Tablets for water ( be safe rather than get a bug ) ( water purification tablets )
- Toilet paper and trowl to dig appropiate hole.
- Food
- Dehydrated food for weight considerations
- 3 Meals , plus snacks. per day.
- Stove (another item that can be shared)
- Plate and cuttlery
- Cup for warm drink your choice
Fully charged and credit loaded up phone
- The club has 1 Personal Locator Beacon and 1 emergency SPOT device and 3 First Aid Kits