MVB AGM 2024 Nominations


Note that you are required to be a financial member of MVB to nominate another financial member - the notification of the meeting you received should tell you but you can login to the website and check your financial status here 

1. Please check the Nominations Already Received for the 2024-2025 Committee

2. Contact the person you wish to nominate and get their approval

3. Make sure both you and the nominated person are financial members

MVB AGM 2024-2025 Committee Member Nomination Form

This form is to be used for submitting nominations for positions on the executive and general committee of MVB Inc for the next 12 months after the 2024 AGM. The submissions from this form will be kept as a formal club record of our compliance with legal requirements for an Incorporated Not for Profit organsation.

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This is the name of member proposing another for MVB committee membership

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Please type your full name.

Write the full name of the person you wish to nominate for a position on the MVB Inc committee - note that the person to be nominated must be a financial member as at the date of the AGM

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Select the position you wish to nominate the person for

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Write the name of the person seconding the nomination

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AGM 2024 Event Details - please register your intention to attend

Here are the MVB AGM 2023 MINUTES

The current and history of MVB committee persons is available here

You can also access the Constitution here