Lower Dogman's 10km Grade 3 Day Walk
There are 2 more walks on this long weekend in the Upper Murray - if anyone needs accommodation or car camping suggestions, call Sharon 0429 145 498 or Barbara 0438 712 386.
8am Car pool from Wodonga Bunnings car park back wall near KFC - If coming for the whole weekend, contact Jan Douglas 0428 334 193
9.30am meet at corner Whiteheads Rd & Cudgewa Valley Rd - phone Sharon to car pool from Corryong
This is a 10km grade 3 walk, mainly on track. Starting with a gentle climb on a track through farmland, we cross a couple of narrow creeks, then after entering the National Park, we begin a steep climb that brings us out on top of a ridge. Sometimes it's possible to get glimpses of the main Kosciusko Range from here. We follow this 4WD track which has washed away in a few places, so we'll be doing a bit of off-track walking to get around them. Quite a few ups and downs before we leave the park and begin a gentle descent through private property to where a vehicle/s has been left at Ross Lane. Not suitable for dogs as there are Maremma guard dogs at the start, National Park and private property.
Bring morning tea, lunch and thermos.
- Current Medical Information Form - LOGIN FIRST and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
- Water - up to 2 litres recommended for a full day walk
- Sunscreen
- Gloves and hat
- Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event
- Suitable clothing and footwear - note denim pants are uncomfortable
- Wet weather waterproofs, jacket and pants
- Walking poles
- Gaiters
- Basic first aid kit including your specific medication eg asthma applicator
- Torch or headlamp for contingencies
Suitable for most ages and fitness levels. Some bushwalking experience recommended. Track may have short steep hill sections, a rough surface and many steps.