Regent Honeyeater Afternoon Grade 2 Walk and BBQ dinner, Chiltern Mt Pilot NP

From June 18, 2017 2:00 pm until June 18, 2017 7:00 pm
Categories: EveningWalking
Hits: 7744

Hi All

Join in for an arvo walk and a BBQ dinner of what ever you wish to bring

Bring your own meat etc and perhaps some salad or vegies to share, and a chair with a warm rug

Meet at the Honeyeater Picnic ground about 2pm

I will be there a few hours early to light a fire and get some coals for cooking, I wil have water to share.

The walk will take us along the white box circuit.

Please bring a head lamp with charged or spare batteries, and warm clothing, gloves etc

Car Pooling, 

If you want a ride please let me know

AND if you are willing to take someone else please also let me know 

If anyone wants driving directions, please let me know.

Peter  0417 441 137