Meet: FrogID. 0km, 20 minutes, grade 1

From May 30, 2020 3:00 pm until 3:21 pm
Categories: Training
Hits: 6364

FrogID is a citizen science project coordinated by the Australian Museum. Whether you have a frog at home or not register to watch this event online to learn how to participate in raw data science. This online meeting is to record a frog.

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What's that sound?

"Croaks, whistles, bleats and barks - every frog species makes a different sound! By recording a frog call with our new app, FrogID, you can discover which frogs live around you and help us count Australia's frogs!

Get Involved Download the app 

FrogID for Android

The meeting will be on Meet, Google Meet for Android. A link will be sent after registering for this event, Register now.


Pseudophryne bibronii

Bibron's Toadlet


A small species of frog reaching up to 3 cm in body length. It has a dark grey, blue-grey or brown back, often with small black spots or patches, also often with a red-orange longitudinal stripe along the lower half. 

The tops of the arms at the shoulder and the backs of the thighs are yellow, orange, or pale brown-orange.

To hear some recordings and to Read more visit the FrogID webpage.