Beechworth Historic Park: Ingram's Rock to Spring Creek and return via Ponds or Pine Track.~6 km Grade 3. 9am -2.30pm.
June 10, 2024 9:00 am
until June 10, 2024 2:30 pm
Posted by
Gerri Boland
Categories: Day Walk
Hits: 2142
Starting near Ingram's Rock we will walk past Fiddes Quarry and the Precipice and then down the old track to Spring Creek. This is now open to walkers( it has been closed for a few years since the bridge at the lower part of Spring Creek was destroyed) We will not be crossing Spring Creek. We will then retrace our tracks for a while and then take the Ponds Track and Pine Track back to Ingram's Rock. There will be 2 stops for refreshments along the way so bring 2 morning teas or a light lunch ( as we will be finishing up with cake and coffee in Beechworth.)
Dogs on leads OK.
Suitable for most ages and fitness levels. Some bushwalking experience recommended. Track may have short steep hill sections, a rough surface and many steps.
- Current Medical Information Form - LOGIN FIRST and then it can be FOUND ON THE WEBSITE HERE
- Water - up to 2 litres recommended for a full day walk
- Sunscreen
- Gloves and hat
- Sufficient food bearing in mind the distance and duration of the event
- Suitable clothing and footwear - note denim pants are uncomfortable
- Wet weather waterproofs, jacket and pants