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Murray Valley Bushwalkers Inc Bulletin #93 August 20 2014

Annual General Meeting done and dusted

Well after a shaky start, ( no Keys to centre ) our agm kicked off with supper first under a bush shelter,  for the serious business of the meeting we adjourned to the veranda of the Hall in sun, some 17 plus members attended and voted in the new committee.

Welcome to new Members, Cheryl MaCarten  And Sasho Dillow as committee Members, Michelle Crofts as Treasurer,  Jan Douglas another term as President, Lin Starke another term as  Secretary. OH and myself PP as Events Coordinator..

Mick Webster's topic will be help over for another event/agm.

You can also access the club rules or constitution here

What We've Been Up To

  • The recently acquired snowshoes (courtesy of a funding grant received from Albury City Council) are getting a really good workout still .
  • Sasho put on skis again after a 35 year gap and promptly skied 26km - wow I say and congratulations
  • The Smollett Street Noodle Trolley (Proper Name Eludes me ) has been getting some patronage lately with Birthday dinners. These are very pleasant social evenings for sure.
  • Hans has been busy with Wild Flowers on Nail  can Hill.  another gem for Albury Wodonga. Mostly Hans' walks are on a Tuesday.

Some recent event photos

Falls Creek and Mt Hotham,

These snow resorts have seen our members enjoing  the Snow,   either on Skies and ( New Ones ) and our new Snow Shoes..


Keeping Up to Date with MVB Events

Lots has been happening as usual! Given that creation of bulletins is just a tad irregular and that many events are posted with short notice here are some tips to stay up to date with whats on offer and whats been going down.

The Event Calendar on the website always contains the most up to date listing of events - if its not on the calendar it doesn't happen! There is a mini calendar on the clubs homepage and a larger version of it available under the Program, Event Calendar menu item

The clubs Flickr website has an extraordinary photo documentation of our events - we are rapidly approaching 6000 photos - photos are ordered by event date and name in albums - here is a list of all photo albums.

All the photos you see on the website and in bulletins are actually stored on Flickr and just easily linked to. What an incredible resource for documenting our activities this is!

The clubs Facebook site - we have 97 Likes and hope to get to the 100 mark before the AGM - members often post photos and commentary live during club events. Its a fantastic way of interacting with our members and friends.

We also have a site on Youtube for posting videos (abseiling at the moment) and our events are also made available on Ecoportal


Membership Renewal

Thanks to those members who have subscribed again - we greatly appreciate your support. The new membership system is working well - you should be notified by email 1 month before expiration, on the actual day your membership expires and another one in the month post membership expiry.

The largest cost we incur is insurance renewal - we had to provide an estimate a few months ago of the number of members we will require insurance for and of course based our estimates on the number of financial members at that time. Members are our life blood. You can help us meet the insurance bill by renewing your membership.

If you are unsure as to when you are financial to you can login to the website and access your profile to find out. If you need help send Tony an email or give him a ring. Please contact Tony if you are experiencing any issues with renewing your membership.

To renew choose the Join, Renew Membership now menu path.

Please note that renewing members should complete and submit an annual acknowledgement of risks form. This only needs to be done once and then this releases you from having to sign a risk form for each event. If you've recently renewed and missed the acknowledgement of risk form you can find it here


Walking the Overland Track in Winter

Still here in case you missed it in last bullitin

Club members Ray and Jill Hancock recently completed the Overland Track - Jill's blog contains lots of photos and great commentary - click here for access to Jill's Winter Walking blog

Whats On!

Sun Aug 31 Baranduda Gully Walk led by Pete Presutti

A fabulous range to explore Baranduda, Tony's play ground,  there are so many gullies to walk up..Neil and myself have walked up most of the ones surrounding the village.  Join in for an interesting walk about 7 km loop

Meeting at 10:15am at the Car Park Baranduda Store


click here to join this event

Sun Sept 7 Flaggys Creek Walk - led by Neil Brown

Click here for more details and to join this event

Sun Sept 14 Along the Ridge - Grade 3 Walk in Chiltern Mt Pilot NP led by Mick Webster

Click here for more details and to join this event

Sun Sept 21  Another leg of the North east Towns Walk  CFA Track to Eldorado led by Peter Presutti - leader Tony Marsh

Click here for more details and to join this event


Sat Oct 18 - Sun Oct 26 Warrumbungles National Park Hans Kaspers

Join us for a week of camping, (or staying in a cabin or motel in Coonabarabran). Plenty of walks available, and plenty of opportunities to sit and do nothing.click here for more details of this event and to book in

Sat Nov 1 - Tues Nov 4 McAlister Springs Car Camp Trevor Potts

A fantastic opportunity to see this incredibly beautiful part of Victoria 

click here for further details and to join this event

November 20 to 30 Great Ocean Walk - Peter Presutti

Note - This walk might get move to late February 2015..

Join in for a great adventure, hiking the Great Ocean Walk ( GOW ) starting at Apollo Bay and finishing at Gibson Steps - this event is currently a backpack but may morph into a car camping week - Peter is happy to talk to anyone interested in how to make this event work for them

Click here for more details of this event

Catch you on a club event soon!


Peter Presutti and Tony Marsh